13.01.2014, 16:59 #1
LZ OPEN 18 января 2014
Вот условия для LZ OPEN 18 января 2014:
Supported by N1MM logger, Sd by EI5DI, UA1AAF, 5MContest and other contest loggers
DATE AND TIME: Annually, Every 3rd Saturday of January,
from 00.00 to 04.00 UTC (4 hours total time).
For 2014 - January 18, Saturday
BANDS AND MODE: 3.5 and 7 MHz, CW
PARTICIPANTS: Amateur Radio Operators World-Wide
EXCHANGE: Six figures: the serial Nr of the QSO and the serial Nr of the last corespondent's QSO. RST is not required. The RST will be considered 599 for all valid contacts. This is to be used for QSL purposes.
First QSO exchange: 001 000 See the example bellow
QSO with the same station is allowed after 29 minutes regardless of band (Any station can be worked once every 30 minutes - on the 30-th minute or after it) . For example : QSO at 00:02 next QSO is OK at 00:32 or later. (The seconds are not important!) No time limit to change the bands.
POINTS: The unconfirmed QSOs will not count for points. Each valid QSO counts 1 point regardless of country or continent (Everyone works everyone )
No preferance for working DX or LZ stations, no multipliers.
This is an example of LZ1FW's imaginary log: NR Band Time Call Sent Received Points
1 3.5 00:15 UA2FL 001 000 020 005 1
2 3.5 00:16 RW6FZ 002 020 014 036 1
3 3.5 00:16 YO4AAC 003 014 028 113 1
4 3.5 00:17 LZ1ONK 004 028 025 052 1
The QSO will not bring points to both correspondents if the difference in the times is more than 3 minutes, or there is a mistake in one of the call signs or in the serial numbers.
The QSO will not bring points to the correspondent who has not kept 30 minutes minimum time to connect the same station again.
FINAL SCORE: The sum of the QSO points.
Foreign stations Europe : Multi operators, Single operator High pwr, Single operator Low pwr and QRP (5W)
Foreign stations Outside Europe: Multi operators, Single operator High pwr, Single operator Low pwr and QRP (5W).
Bulgarian stations: Multi operators, Single operator High pwr, Single operator Low pwr and QRP (5W).
ORP participants please do not add /QRP after your Call Sign - just mark that you have operated QRP in your log.
Straight key Entrants (STREY World) - regardless of country , continent or power. ( Plese note in your contest log that you have used a straight key (STREY) during the entire contest period. )
Lady Operators - in addition to the category in which ladies participate they will be classified in a separate additional category too.
The Multi Operators Stations may use unlimited number of working sets connected in a network. The only limit is that all the stations must be located in the same call area.
The Single and the Multi Operators Stations are allowed to use DX Clusters, Skimmers, decoders or any other kind of technologies that they think might help. It is not forbitten to transmit two different signals on both bands even at the same time if one can manage a smooth operation. Single common log for both bands is required. Cross band contacts are not forbitten
The aim is to give a push to the new technologies combined with high operator skills.
AWARDS: Certificates to the first 3 stations in each category may be issued by volunteers.
The certificates for LZOPEN Contest 2011 have been isuued by Valentin Petkov LZ1DOT
Everyone who wishes to manage the contest awards for the next LZOPEN Contest 2014 please send a message to LZ1GL@yahoo.com. His name and Callsign will be announced and he will issue , manage and send the certificates to the winners. Electronic certificates are also welcomed.(They will be placed at the site for download). The aim is different in design certificates to be issued every year by different people.
Note: If there are no volunteers CERTIFICATES WILL NOT BE ISSUED !
E_LOGS: Cabrillo format or plain text. Send as attached file to LZ1GL@yahoo.com If you like the contest you can join the LZ Open Contest Club (LZOCC). Just send us a message or note in your log that you wish to become a member. The Membership is free of charge and it is open for everyone who loves CW contesting.
The Cabrillo QSO line should look like
QSO: 7000 CW 2008-01-19 0024 LZ1DNY 001 000 F9OQ 001 000
QSO: 7000 CW 2008-01-19 0025 LZ1DNY 002 001 UA4PN 012 008
QSO: 7000 CW 2008-01-19 0036 LZ1DNY 003 012 RW9LL 006 008
The exchange must be split in the middle by space
DEADLINE: 10 days after the contest !
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: LZOPEN CONTEST CLUB - CW contesting, DX Info, competitions rules, results, calendar, Bulgarian LZ Contests, operating portable - simulated emergency situationsГошо, LZ1ZF
13.01.2014, 17:19 #2
- Регистрация
- 08.11.2009
- Адрес
- Екатеринбург/Шадринск
- Возраст
- 59
- Сообщений
- 2,712
- Поблагодарили
- 3176
- Поблагодарил
- 96
Гошо, а кто сейчас основной контест-менеджер? Как я понял у Красимира (LZ1GL) возникли какие-то проблемы. Никак не мог с ним связаться.
13.01.2014, 18:25 #3
17.01.2014, 18:35 #4
- Регистрация
- 27.08.2008
- Адрес
- Тосно, Ленинградская обл., Россия
- Возраст
- 39
- Сообщений
- 5,302
- Записей в дневнике
- 5
- Поблагодарили
- 817
- Поблагодарил
- 756
17.01.2014, 19:21 #5
- Регистрация
- 21.06.2009
- Возраст
- 54
- Сообщений
- 3,676
- Поблагодарили
- 2029
- Поблагодарил
- 2226
Я правильно понял, что повторные связи с одной станцией разрешены не ранее, чем через 29 минут (на 30-тую минуту или позже) независимо от диапазона?
17.01.2014, 21:56 #6
- Регистрация
- 31.07.2011
- Адрес
- Sofia / Gabrovo / Ust-Kamenogorsk
- Возраст
- 43
- Сообщений
- 113
- Поблагодарили
- 10
- Поблагодарил
- 12
Если связь была в 03:04, то следующая должна быть записана не ранее чем в 03:34
Эмиграция в зону LZ, вопросы недвижимости и переселения.
18.01.2014, 08:21 #7
- Регистрация
- 21.06.2009
- Возраст
- 54
- Сообщений
- 3,676
- Поблагодарили
- 2029
- Поблагодарил
- 2226
Интересный LZ OPEN 80m Contest получился. Провел в LP 256 связей.
18.01.2014, 12:15 #8
- Регистрация
- 31.07.2011
- Адрес
- Sofia / Gabrovo / Ust-Kamenogorsk
- Возраст
- 43
- Сообщений
- 113
- Поблагодарили
- 10
- Поблагодарил
- 12
18.01.2014, 12:25 #9
- Регистрация
- 21.06.2009
- Возраст
- 54
- Сообщений
- 3,676
- Поблагодарили
- 2029
- Поблагодарил
- 2226
Да? А похож на LZ OPEN 80m. Поэтому и написал, что интересный. Действительно, не знаю у кого как, но у меня ни одной связи на 40 нет. Хотя диапазон постоянно мониторил, но теста там не слышал вообще. Пытался и несколько раз давать там CQ, но естественно безрезультатно. Правда один раз позвал чех и дал просто 001. Не стал я ему объяснять "политику партии и государства"... А Европу, в том числе и Восточную, на 40 было слышно прекрасно.
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