10.08.2019, 22:55 #23581
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я делал на ve3lyc@hotmail.com
12.08.2019, 08:42 #23582
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Михаил RA1ALA/8 сообщает, что судно подошло к острову. Скоро начнется высадка.
Планирует завтра появиться в эфире о-ов Шокальского AS-083, RR-06-05Последний раз редактировалось R1DX; 12.08.2019 в 14:41.
CW Forever! de R1DX Victor
12.08.2019, 10:42 #23583
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Возможно кому-то будет интересна информация по HK1NA SA-082.
Логи за работу в IOTA контесте загружены в eQSL.
QSL менеджер K6IPM рекомендует использовать этот сервис для проверки на наличие своего позывного в логе перед отправкой ему SASE.73, Виктор UA3AKO
12.08.2019, 10:47 #23584
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12.08.2019, 10:48 #23585
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RA1ALA/8 Shokalskogo Island
Created on Thursday, 08 August 2019
AS-083 RA1ALA/8 Shokalskogo Island, Kara Sea, Russia
(IOTA AS-083 Kara Sea Coast East group)
''Tomorrow, August 8 2019, I am going to Shokalsky Island in the Kara Sea. It is not easy to get to the island!
I will have to take a flight to Novy Urengoy first, then about 500 km to the oilmen-shift workers- settlement at Yamburg. 'Kartesh' (which is a research vessel adapted for Arctic scientific research), is picking me up on the August 9. It will go there both to refuel and also to replace the crew.
Having passed a special medical examination I was given the sailor’s medical book so I became a sailor!
Shokalsky Island is a specially protected zone, since it is part of the Gdansk Nature Reserve - the state nature reserve in the Tazovsky District of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District. I had to get special permission to visit the island.
You should bear in mind that there is a limitation on the weight of luggage! Every extra kilogram will costs 500 rubles! It's not cold there.... but at night, temperature may be 0 degrees centigrade.
I hope I will be able to operate there by August 20 2019. MI-8 helicopter should arrive on the island in order to pick up a team of environmentalists and me at around the same time.
So, RR-06-05 AS-083 SHOKALSKOGO Island will soon in the air!
Shokalsky Island is located in the Kara Sea, at the entrance to the Gulf of Ob. It belongs to the territory of the Tazovsky district of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area. Its length’s about 30 km, its width’s up to 20 km, its height’s up to 27 m, the square’s 428 km². The island is separated from the Gydan Peninsula with the Gydan Strait. The surface is a plain covered with tundra vegetation. The island was called Agnes until 1926. The modern name was given to it in honor of M. Shokalsky
I wish everybody good luck and see you in the air!
RA1ALA/8 Mike''Последний раз редактировалось R7MR; 12.08.2019 в 10:55.
12.08.2019, 10:59 #23586
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1. У меня в eQSL подтвердились оба QSO c HK1NA за IOTA контест (и на 20 и на 40м).
2. На страничке K6IPM на QRZ.COM есть вот такое сообщение: "If you want to know if you are in the log please check Eqsl for your contacts. Jorge reports, ALL contacts for HK1R and HK1NA are uploaded into Eqsl."
73, Виктор UA3AKO
12.08.2019, 18:27 #23587
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12.08.2019, 18:54 #23588
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HK1NA сегодня CFM в LOTW. Правда IOTA SA-082 в LOTW не обозначено. Ждем когда зальют и в ClubLog. Хотя за IOTA контест зачет будет и так - автоматом без QSL.
73, Виктор UA3AKO
12.08.2019, 19:59 #23589
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12.08.2019, 21:25 #23590
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12.08.2019, 21:36 #23591
12.08.2019, 21:37 #23592
12.08.2019, 21:41 #23593
12.08.2019, 21:57 #23594
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12.08.2019, 22:07 #23595
Социальные закладки