I have always been interested in radio, radio signals and how they travel etc and I have always been fascinated by with using just the simplest of communication devices one could talk with other people around the world. In my youth I would listen and transmit on 1,9 MHz radio but I slowly lost interest due to immature operators and worked more with shortwave listening and using various scanners for listening to local UHF/VHF frequencies as well as HF bands and found it vastly interesting.
I first got licensed back in 2009 as a Technician (UA4PRO). At some point kids and cell phones came about and Ham Radio went on the back burner. Recently the interest came back and I upgraded in 2019 to a General license and wanted a another call. Now my call R4PES.
I also work a lot with computers and enjoy the new technology that is continually being released with regards to amateur radio and always thrilled at seeing what's new for the future.
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