26.08.2011, 09:08 #3841
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Роман, я себя к известным топерам не отношу
. Что получается, то получается, если нет, будем ждать других. Главная помеха - это высоковольтка (принадлежащая МПС), в 70 метрах, которую не обслуживали с момента ввода в эксплуатацию, если она затихает, то есть шанс...
RW2A - это Калужская губерния и к московскому региону он никакого отношения не имеет.
[I]73! Сергей[/I]
26.08.2011, 09:25 #3842
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26.08.2011, 09:29 #3843
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Все просто, дача там, шек там. В Москве ооочень тяжко с приёмом, да и антенночку нормальную поставить практически нереально. А на даче раздолье, если участок нормальный по габаритам.
P.S. Из известных активных товарищей реально в Москве находятся: почти в самом цетре Дима RX3AGD и на самой окраине Игорь RA3CQ.Последний раз редактировалось RJ3AA; 26.08.2011 в 09:33.
[I]73! Сергей[/I]
26.08.2011, 10:15 #3844
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26.08.2011, 10:19 #3845
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Последний раз редактировалось RJ3AA; 26.08.2011 в 10:24. Причина: Добавлено сообщение
[I]73! Сергей[/I]
26.08.2011, 13:56 #3846
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26.08.2011, 14:41 #3847
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29.08.2011, 16:01 #3848
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В апреле-марте следующего года ожидается экспедиция на South Georgia продолжительностью до 40-ка дней.
73, Андрей
29.08.2011, 18:39 #3849EY8MMГость
Мало того, Эрик приглашает поучавствовать.
The group that organized the record-breaking VP6DX expedition to Ducie Island in 2008 is working on a couple of new trips. This invitation is being sent to help us form the strongest operating teams possible for these and future trips.
What does this have to do with contesting?
We believe that good contesters make the best DXpedition operators because they:
- manage pileups efficiently in order to keep the rate meter high
- focus on logging accurately
- understand propagation well, and are especially sensitive to short-term openings to difficult-to-work areas.
- design stations and antennas for high performance results in a limited period of time, and for minimum failures.
All of these attributes are exactly what one wants for a DXpedition.
In fact, a successful DXpedition to a rare location is the combination of:
- travel adventure: we sail the ocean blue to arrive at unique, interesting places few people ever get to visit.
- wilderness camping a la Robinson Crusoe (a classic novel of English literature) or Gilligan's Island (the American TV show of the 1960s).
- Field Day: design a station that is loud everywhere on the planet...
that can be assembled quickly... is easy to maintain... and, when something fails, can be repaired without interrupting on-air operations.
- a marathon version of a multi-multi contest: 16 days or more of non-stop operations, every day of which presents different propagation conditions.
If you want to see the rate meter hit 2000+ QSOs/hour, this is where you want to be. (And our DXpeditions always strive to include a major contest during the expedition's on-air period.)
- hard work, laughs, great stories, and the camaraderie that arises when a small group sets aside the rest of life for a while to focus on achieving something unique.
- one of the most memorable times of your life.
Intrigued? Check out the details below... and then contact us if you are interested (but please do NOT reply to the CQ-Contest reflector).
Thanks for considering this.
Eric K3NA
Carsten DL6LAU
Radio Expeditions, Inc.
What we are looking for in you:
1. Good contest skills:
- Can keep the rate meter high, while simultaneously alert to callers from rare locations (think "multiplier"!) whose signals might be buried under a large pile of louder signals. At other times can patiently push the CQ button over and over, squeezing results out of marginal propagation openings.
- team-oriented operating, working together to maximize results.
- a flexible, well-rounded operator comfortable with CW, RTTY, and phone is a plus.
- special knowledge of 160m or 6m is also a plus.
2. Good physical condition:
- many destinations are physically demanding: difficult climate, rough landing conditions, or the need to carry large amounts of material over uneventerrain.
- ocean voyage by small ship (typically 100-150 ft length).
- first aid and emergency medial technician skills are found among the operating team and ship's crew; however, major medical issues cannot be handled in a timely fashion at remote locations. If you have a heart attack, for example, you will probably die.
3. Time and financial resources:
- our typical DXpedition is 4-6 weeks away from home, depending on the length of the ocean voyage.
- operators contribute US$ 10,000 to 13,000 each to the costs of the project, paid in installments before departure.
4. Personality:
- things can go wrong, requiring a change from plan A to plan B or C. Yourteammates may be tired and grumpy. Uncomfortable conditions over time will irritate everyone. A relaxed, flexible, and cheerful attitude to problems and difficulties is essential.
- great teams have a mix of operators from different parts of the world.The ability to get along well with everyone else while tired or under stress is essential.
- sometimes the team must choose between options when opinions differ as to which approach seems the best, or even as to which goals are more important than others. You must not only be able to calmly explain your views on an issue and its potential solutions, but also be able willing to accept and cheerfully implement a decision which wasn't your personal preference.
5. References: some people we can contact who can reaffirm how your personality, skills, and condition fit the job.
Where we are going:
At present we have two trips in planning stages:
2012 Mar-Apr: South Georgia... 40 days... current budget $13k/op but we may be able to shave $2k and 2 days off these numbers.
2012 Nov-Dec: Jarvis Island... 30 days... current budget $11k/op.
-end-Последний раз редактировалось EY8MM; 29.08.2011 в 18:43.
29.08.2011, 19:13 #3850
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30.08.2011, 00:18 #3851EY8MMГость
Это общественная переписка, а не личное приглашение. K3NA его написал в CQ-Contest рефлектор. Так что приглашаются все заинтересованные.
30.08.2011, 11:11 #3852
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Делюсь опытом как взять TX8DD которая будет активна до 10 сентября из Новой Каледонии (FK). Специальная станция посвещенная 14 спортивным играм Океании. Они работают каждый день на фиксированной частоте 14043 начало работы в промежуток между 4.20Z-4.40Z в течении полутара-двух часов. Обратил на это внимание Виктор RU4SO. Сегодня подождал немного на частоте и взял с первого позыва в 4.36Z, как только он появился в эфире по LP. New One однако.
Последний раз редактировалось UA4PCM; 30.08.2011 в 11:20.
Максим UA4PCM Since 1992 restart 2008
30.08.2011, 11:24 #3853
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Последний раз редактировалось R3VA; 30.08.2011 в 11:29.
73! Сергей
30.08.2011, 13:28 #3854
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30.08.2011, 18:44 #3855
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Эх лучшеб на сэндвичи поехали.......
73 Vlad (UT7EV)
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