28.01.2019, 13:55 #286
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Вахта в эфире - Кабардино-Балкария
Подпись: Кировакан в 1972. Фото: Auction.ru
Анатолий Кенжекулов, UA6XT, в 1960-1970 годах жил и работал в Кировакане, в НИИ "Автоматика", по направлению после окончания техникума. Оттуда ушел служить в СА. Туда же, в Кировакан вернулся после службы, и продолжал работать до 1973-го года, когда переехал во Львов, поступив там (за время выпавшей месячной командировки) в Львовский торгово-экономический институт. Но Кировакан остался в сердце навсегда. Когда жил там, то бывал и в расположенном неподалеку Спитаке... И вот - в декабре 1988-го ...
Сообщение от UA6XT- - -
Толя, UA6XT, подскажи, пожалуйста, здесь или по email, такие моменты:
- кто именно из ребят на фотографиях?
- были ли у перечисленных бойцов личные позывные тогда, и есть ли у кого из них сейчас?
- правильно ли понимаю, что у коллективки было одновременно два позывных: UZ6XWC и RK6XWC?
- с аппаратными журналами коллективки, увы, ясно; а возможно сохранились личные логи за то время когда ты работал ночами из дому?
И ребята, кто тогда дежурил в эфире на UZ6XWC, да и по другим коллективкам по всей стране, отзовитесь, напишите здесь на форуме или на email: jailpedition@mail.ru о том, что помните.
28.01.2019, 14:06 #287
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Добрый день Константин!
Я добавил в список твои ЕХ позывные...
Мое мнение. QSL UG6GX как бы не имеет непосредственного отношения к теме Трагедия Спитака, но удалять ее из темы, думаю, не стоит. Твое решение получить этот позывной, напечатать карточку, с желание работать из Армении остается. Ну, не получилось его осуществить по разным объективным причинам-что поделаешь? Это жизнь! Тему читают люди, которым интересно знать, кто были люди, что решили бескорыстно отдать свое свои силы, время и прочее ради помощи пострадавшим в землетрясении.Последний раз редактировалось RX1AG; 28.01.2019 в 14:13.
Валентин, RX1AG :: Посетите мои страницы -- https://rx1ag.narod.ru/ARCHIVES/AUDIO/audio_01.htm -- песни о радио
28.01.2019, 14:39 #288
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Кто сможет подсказать:
Кто во время событий дежурил в эфире на коллективках:
- W1AW
и какая ведомственная принадлежность первых трех вышеперечисленных?
Состав операторов, местонахождение, период и история работы UK3R/UG?
Что известно о ребятах:
28.01.2019, 15:11 #289
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-73- Игорь
"Прощённый, но так и не понятый" (c)
28.01.2019, 15:11 #290
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28.01.2019, 15:15 #291
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28.01.2019, 16:29 #292
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28.01.2019, 16:39 #293
Cлышал, что Соня UG6GDS SK в 2000ых.
Хотелось бы ошибиться. Есть какая-либо инфа о ней?
Крайний раз встречались в Ереване. Кажется это было в 1984 году.
TKS73! de RW3AH
28.01.2019, 17:03 #294
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28.01.2019, 17:21 #295
28.01.2019, 17:30 #296
29.01.2019, 08:23 #297
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Всем доброго времени суток!Нашли еще несколько фото из архива AYAN.SU Установка р.станции на тер. станции скорой помощии крым КСС . RA7KR ex RT5JI
29.01.2019, 08:29 #298
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29.01.2019, 10:38 #299
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Кто хочет ознакомиться с работой радиолюбителей Крымской спасательной службы. По ссылке AYAN.SU: РАДИОСЛУЖБА КСС
29.01.2019, 14:19 #300
В архивах нашел NEWSLETTER от IARN, касательно Subj:
Весьма интересный документ, который дает представление о роли и участии IARN
в спасательных операциях в Армении 1989 года.
Скачать здесь (LINK)
Вот, некоторые выдержки из документа (все на английском языке)
(for reprint by anyone)
Here is a report on the work we were doing with emergency traffic in
Soviet Armenia. This work continues to the present writing. Chuck
Sheffer made a second trip back to the Soviet Union on Jan. 20, 1989.
Did I say back in the Soviet Union? You read that correctly. To
continue our exciting ham radio story of incredible international dip-
lomacy, you will remember that both KJ4TY and W9ELR were sent home
from Moscow a few days after they arrived. The Soviets then had a
change of heart and invited us back. There were quite a few apparent
flip flops of position, but essentially we worked out quite an
arrangement far exceeding our wildest expectations.
On January 3, 1989 I appointed Victor Goncharsky, UB5WE, as I A R N
Soviet Director. He accepted right away and has been doing a great
job, taking the bull by the horns. Equipment being held up in Moscow
has been shipped to Yerevan and Victor, armed with the authority he
needed from both I A R N and his own government is bringing the feud-
ing ham radio related factions in the Soviet Union together. Chuck
Sheffer took with him letters of introduction for himself and for
Victor which spell out Victors's far ranging authority as I A R N Dir
ector and Chuck's role as an advisor to Victor and Ambassador rep-
resenting I A R N World Headquarters in the U.S. Victor and Chuck
met in Moscow on January 21, 1989 and an initial meeting was held with
Victor, UB5WE; Leonid Labutin, UA3CR (the Canadian ski trec coordin-
ator); Andrey Federof, RW3AH (official government amateur station EO1)
and Alexander Revkin who is the high Young Communist League official
in charge if this matter and also involved with the Canadian ski trec.
Chuck did not attend this meeting.
The next meeting was with Chuck, KJ4TY; Victor, UB5WE; Willy, UZ9AYA;
and Karen, UZ6GAT. After this meeting Victor flew to Yerevan at 1900
on January 21st and Chuck followed at 1300 UTC on January 22nd. In
Yerevan, Chuck and Victor will meet with various hams and officials
and supervise installation of I A R N equipment there. Then back
to Moscow to present a comprehensive plan to the Secretary of Konsomol
Central Committee, one of the top Young Communist League officials. A
written agreement will be drafted and submitted to I A R N Head-
quarters for approval. The main items covered in this agreement will
. Cooperation between I A R N and the Soviet Union during inter-
national communications emergency.
. Installation of permanent link between I A R N and the Young
Communist League.
. Full recognition of UB5WE as I A R N Soviet Director.
. UB5WE to have position on Soviet emergency committee.
. Young Communist League to take responsibility for I A R N
equipment while in the Soviet Union.
. Soviet I A R N to participate in deployment to any part
of the world during future emergencies.
. I A R N to take responsibility for assistance in training
Soviet I A R N according to world standards.
Chuck Sheffer also carried with him official charters for Inter-
national Amateur Radio Clubs in Moscow, Lvov, Chelyabinsk, and
Ulianovsk. The Lvov Chapter will receive the Tandy 1000 HX computer
and a AEA PK-232 and has proposed to establish a permanent link
between Lvov and I A R N Headquarters in Belgrade Lakes, Maine. This
proposal has been approved and the link will be set up soon. The
computer, which required a special export license secured for I A R N
by Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell, is being shipped this week
as this goes to press.
All in all, the events taking place are extraordinary. Glasnost via
amateur radio to be sure and ham radio at its very best.
Last month I reported the work we were doing with emergency traffic in
Soviet Armenia. This work continues to the present writing and now
there has been another earthquake in TADZHIKISTAN, 1600 kilometers due
east of Yerevan, the Capitol of Soviet Armenia. The I A R N is back
in mode 2 or full activation around the clock with our daily broadcast
moved to 14.265 MHz. All this while our own Chuck Sheffer, KJ4TY, is
back in the Soviet Union, having arrived January 20, 1989.
Did I say back in the Soviet Union? You read that correctly. To
continue our exciting ham radio story of incredible international dip-
lomacy, you will remember that both KJ4TY and W9ELR were sent home
from Moscow a few days after they arrived. The Soviets then had a
change of heart and invited us back. There were quite a few apparent
flip flops of position, but essentially we worked out quite an
arrangement far exceeding our wildest expectations.
On January 3, 1989 I appointed Victor Goncharsky, UB5WE, as I A R N
Soviet Director. He accepted right away and has been doing a great
job, taking the bull by the horns. Equipment being held up in Moscow
has been shipped to Yerevan and Victor, armed with the authority he
needed from both I A R N and his own government is bringing the feud-
ing ham radio related factions in the Soviet Union together. Chuck
Sheffer took with him letters of introduction for himself and for
Victor which spell out Victors's far ranging authority as I A R N Dir
ector and Chuck's role as an advisor to Victor and Ambassador rep-
resenting I A R N World Headquarters in the U.S. Victor and Chuck
met in Moscow on January 21, 1989 and an initial meeting was held with
Victor, UB5WE; Leonid Labutin, UA3CR (the Canadian ski trec coordin-
ator); Andrey Federof, RW3AH (official government amateur station EO1)
and Alexander Revkin who is the high Young Communist League official
in charge if this matter and also involved with the Canadian ski trec.
Chuck did not attend this meeting.
The next meeting was with Chuck, KJ4TY; Victor, UB5WE; Willy, UZ9AYA;
and Karen, UZ6GAT. After this meeting Victor flew to Yerevan at 1900
on January 21st and Chuck followed at 1300 UTC on January 22nd. In
Yerevan, Chuck and Victor will meet with various hams and officials
and supervise installation of I A R N equipment there. Then back
to Moscow to present a comprehensive plan to the Secretary of Konsomol
Central Committee, one of the top Young Communist League officials. A
written agreement will be drafted and submitted to I A R N Head-
quarters for approval. The main items covered in this agreement will
. Cooperation between I A R N and the Soviet Union during inter-
national communications emergency.
. Installation of permanent link between I A R N and the Young
Communist League.
. Full recognition of UB5WE as I A R N Soviet Director.
. UB5WE to have position on Soviet emergency committee.
. Young Communist League to take responsibility for I A R N
equipment while in the Soviet Union.
. Soviet I A R N to participate in deployment to any part
of the world during future emergencies.
. I A R N to take responsibility for assistance in training
Soviet I A R N according to world standards.
Chuck Sheffer also carried with him official charters for Inter-
national Amateur Radio Clubs in Moscow, Lvov, Chelyabinsk, and
Ulianovsk. The Lvov Chapter will receive the Tandy 1000 HX computer
and a AEA PK-232 and has proposed to establish a permanent link
between Lvov and I A R N Headquarters in Belgrade Lakes, Maine. This
proposal has been approved and the link will be set up soon. The
computer, which required a special export license secured for I A R N
by Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell, is being shipped this week
as this goes to press.
All in all, the events taking place are extraordinary. Glasnost via
amateur radio to be sure and ham radio at its very best. More next
month right here.
I A R N Newsletter March, 1989
As a result of our written agreements with the Soviets we have already
implemented several active projects. The Young Communist League (YCL)
in Moscow asked I A R N on February 27, 1989 to track down tall ship
"Pogoria" since Soviet parents hadn't heard from them lately and were
concerned. We made contact quickly and began to handle messages
between the ship and Moscow and the United States. Thus I A R N got
involved about half way into this project.
This voyage is one of international good will sponsored by the Polish
Maritime League, private U.S. citizens in Alabama and Tennessee, and
the Young Communist League. There are 10 American boys, 12 Soviet
boys, and 10 Polish boys on the trip which began in Poland December
14th. Also two each of instructors from the U.S., the U.S.S.R., and
Poland. On board they study five hours per day and speak Russian and
English. The Theme of the trip is "Let's learn to live and work to-
gether." They have sailed through two hurricanes and had to go
around Cape Horn. The trip has included Argentina (where they met
the Vice President), Peru, Panama, and Cuba (where the met the Soviet,
Polish and American Ambassadors.) Then Miami, Jacksonville and a bus
trip to Washington, D.C. After that, back to Jacksonville, Disney-
world, etc. Finally, a sail to Leningrad, visit to Moscow to see Mr.
Gorbachev and ending in Poland May 19, 1989.
All peaches and cream right? Well not quite. The ship's Captain is
a ham, SP5ATV, and thus the use of ham radio. He is also a died in
the wool sailor with his own set of priorities. While this trip of
international good will was teaching those on board to live and work
together, those of us who were supposed to be inspired by all this
high minded cooperation between different cultures were discovering
that it all isn't quite that simple. The organizers of the trip had
hoped for a visit by the boys with the President of the United States.
This was hard to arrange and instead we got the sincere interest of
Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell to meet with and be photo-
graphed with the boys at the U.S. Capitol. A very tight schedule was
set with little allowance for unavoidable delays. Coming into Miami
from communist Cuba caused some problems. Miami is a hot bed of anti
communist sentiment and the Pogoria was asked to take down the Soviet
flag "for their own safety." Nobody asked that the U.S. flag be
taken down while the group was in Cuba. How would you have felt if
you were one of the Soviet boys? Two Soviet reporters from Cuba were
on board to capture this embarrassing episode for sending back to
Moscow. With the trip behind schedule now, the trip to Washington
and meeting with Senator Mitchell was scrubbed, not Disney World or
something else seemingly less important than the Washington visit.
The Senate Majority Leader is the third most important official
in the U.S. Government. The Captain never could understand why the
U.S State Department wouldn't sponsor the U.S. share of the trip. On
the other hand, the U.S. has nothing like the Young Communist League.
Is it any wonder that our societies don't get along? We don't under-
stand each other. While we deeply offend each other in our mutual
ignorance, the purpose of the trip is nevertheless and unwittingly
accomplished.....we are forced to get off our bottoms and begin to
do some homework about how the other side really lives and thinks. It
goes far beyond "See Disney World, isn't America great?" Well we all
have our strong points and weak points on both sides. This is the
bitter yet needed lesson of the Pogoria trip.
We can use this story and example time and time again in our quest to
truly improve international good will. Amateur radio and the
historic agreements between the USSR and I A R N will continue to
play a part in this worthwhile process. And all you hams out there
can help. When you are chatting with radio amateurs on the other
side of the globe, dig for deeper understanding and don't get fooled
by the superficial stuff which the experience of the Pogoria has high-
lighted so well.
I A R N has reserved a block of rooms for I A R N members and
friends. If you are interested, contact the Net Manager. We have
a map available to make our motel easy to find.
We have been talking daily with the I A R N / P O I S K office in
Yerevan, the capitol of Soviet Armenia on HF packet radio. We pre-
fer AMTOR, but so far, the license of RG8GWS at our office only allows
packet. We have been relaying via DJ0XC, Bob, in Berlin. Bob is
President of the I A R N Berlin Chapter. Our office in Yerevan is
still very busy with work coordinating rebuilding efforts in the earth
quake area. We will have a more complete report next month.73! de RW3AH
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