17.05.2009, 05:14 #196
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Собственно, по Австралии - здесь -
26.05.2009, 15:53 #197
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Hello dear Russian Ham Friends!
(Yes, I do read Russian quite ok, but as it can be of interest to amateurs not having Russian as their Mother Tongue, I decided to write in English).
Somewhere in this section of the Forum, a few Russian Hams were a little curious to know my opinion about the comments on the Forum regarding the whereabouts of my Russian callsign...
To be very frank with you, I must say that I was quite astonished to see some of the comments and insinuations from fellow amateur radio friends! Since 1980, I have been a very active amateur on both CW and SSB, have participated in numerous Russian (and earlier Soviet) contests and Award programs.
I have ALWAYS defended Russian amateurs when debated outside of your country. I have always been very positive about Russian people in general. I am married to a Russian woman and I have a 2 year old Russian/Swedish daughter who now learns both Russian and Swedish languages.
In year 2006, me and (my wife) decided to move (back) to Russia because of many reasons. Primarily because we both love and appreciate this country, the people, the language, the soul and many other things. This does NOT mean that I enjoy all details of Russian life. Some of the negative things (basically the only one) is connected to bureaucracy...
In the summer of 2006, I started to contact both SRR and Russian Telecom authorities, to find out how I should be able to use my wonderful hobby in Russia. The answer was quite clear - due to some mistakes in formulations of the new telecom law, there was a difficulty to handle applications from foreign amateurs who applied for a temporary Russian licence. I was asked to wait 6 months for more information, and after that - another 6 months etc...
In the meantime I was invited by very friendly club stations like RK3AWL and RK6LWA to work together with them. This was great, but I always dreamed to have a small station of my own.
In the late summer of 2008, I got the indication from GRChS that soon it could be possible to at least apply for the licence. I took the decision to do so in September 2008 and after 8 (eight) months of investigation and NUMEROUS correspondence between GRChS, Swedish Telecom Administration PTS, SRR, SSA, I finally received the positive technical conclusion, indicating that I could apply officially for R3/SM6LRR licence at Rossvyazkomnadzor.
On May 8th, I personally picked up my licence from their office.
Some people (I wonder how much true Amateur Radio Spirit they really have) have indicated that my licence has been a violation to Russian law and been received by "cuddling with the cat"... This is not only an offence to me personally, but also towards officials in Russian authorities trying to do their best to interpret the law and not to violate, but also not to disregard from the importance of this question.
There has been NO "cuddling with the cat" in this almost three year long process... It has been hard work, and big personal dedication from my side to fight for the right to also use my hobby in Russia, in the same way that many, many Russian amateurs have for long time been able to do abroad. I do not need to mention any call signs, but as you know, hundreds and maybe thousand Russian amateurs have easily been able to obtain licences abroad.
Some stupid and ignorant person even dared to say that it is impossible to get a reciprocal SM licence for a Russian ham... Please check first before having any opinions or making false statements about this. Although Russia has not yet become a formal member of CEPT, there is NO PROBLEMS at all to apply for a licence in Sweden. The way to do it is the following:
1. Make a photo copy of your Russian Amateur Radio Licence
2. Make a copy of your Russian Passport
3. Write an informal application on any kind of paper, include the time you plan to stay in Sweden (from / to) and an address where the station will be registered.
4. Send the application to SSA (that will make sure that a licence will be issued after you pay the annual fee)
I know at least one Russian amateur that has applied for a SM licence, namely Zhenya (RK3AD) who now also holds the call sign SJ6AD. This call sign gives him the identical rights to use any legal Swedish Amateur Radio frequency (including 6 meters) with the full 1 kW power.
It took Zhenya 3 DAYS to get his licence (compared to 3 years it took for me).
With this long (unfortunately English) text, I hope that anyone with doubts of the legal ground or procedure for how it was obtained, no longer has such illusions in their brains.
To me it is amazing that some amateur "friends" in Russia come with such crappy opinions like on this forum, when they absolutely know nothing about the issue. It seems to me that some of these "gentlemen" still live in the time when we had the Iron Curtain and a Priemnik Peredachik (TRCVR) was a dangerous tool for a spy sitting in a dark cellar, transmitting 5 letter combinations via a small invisible antenna... Maybe they long back to this time and therefore start argumentation about this issue?
For me, the logical thing would be to welcome amateurs who live or visit Russia to be part of the Russian amateur radio collective - instead of spreading rumours and non-substantial crap of the legal background how to get a licence here.
For those other, that I have managed to work during the past three weeks from my QTH in Naro Fominsk, MANY THANKS for the many positive comments and gratulations on my licence. Those comments mean so much more to me than a minority that expresses nothing but their ignorance and envy that someone finally has managed after several years to get a temporary Russian licence.
I am so pleased to be able to work Russian amateurs on the band and I appreciate that you have patience with my not perfect Russian langauge. I promise, I do my best to improve it!
Hope to see you on the bands / and also in Domodedovo this summer!
73 de R3/SM6LRR, Mats
(anyone feeling the desire to contact me can either do that on the air, or via sm6lrr@gmail.com)
26.05.2009, 16:41 #198
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Хоть и переводил гугль, но понятно, что человек три года обещанного ждал.. и дождался. Поздравляю!! Видимо надо ОЧЕНЬ СИЛЬНО захотеть..
Вот мы и узнали из первых уст, так сказать, сложно ли оформить лицензию "в принципе" в Швеции.
ЗЫ Кстати, в связи с долгим и частым пребыванием в Стране Утренней Свежести, интересовался гипотетической возможности повещать оттуда. Как мне сказали, проблем нет. Да и потом где-то нашёл такой документ:
Foreign amateur radio operators can operate an amateur radio station in Korea, provided that he/she files an application with KARL 60 days prior to the operation.
1) In case of using one's own transceiver (Inspection of the radio station is required).
- an application form
- a copy of certificate
- a copy of license
- a copy of passport
- a table to show the permissible output power by class
(applicant's own country).
- fee
2) In case purchasing a transceiver in Korea (Inspection is not required).
- an application form
- a copy of certificate
- a copy of license
- a copy of passport
- a copy of the approval certificate for the transceiver
- a table to show the permissible output power by class
(applicant's own country)
- fee
3) In case of sharing a local station( Inspection is not required)
- an application form
- a copy of certificate
- a copy of license
- a copy of passport
- an application form for sharing a local station
- a copy of the local station's certificate
- a table to show the permissible output power by class
(applicant's own country)
- fee
1) KW80,000( for below 50W)
2) KW100,000(for above 50W)
For Further Information
1) Address
Zip code 137-130
#267-5, KARL Bldg. 3F, Yang Jae-Dong, Seocho-Gu, Seoul, Korea
2) C.P.O. Box 162, Seoul 100-601, Korea
3) Phone : 82-2-575-9580
Fax : 82-2-576-8574
4) E-mail : karl@karl.or.kr73! Илья aka RX3X, bubble gum, ex RA3XE, UA0FBS, W3XXL
"Займитесь же делом каким-нибудь, хватит прожигать ценный невосполнимый ресурс (время) на пустопорожние споры.. На "Чебурашку" сходите чтоли.."(с)RX3X
Мои Альбомы
26.05.2009, 20:39 #199
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Mats, you take it too personally, this thread is not about you but about Russian regulations, no one been trying to offence you, everyone here wants russian regulations would have been straight and clear to help foreigners to get their Russian license in 3 days like in Sweden. So all this thread is about to push and encourage SRR officials to take more actions to get the law helpful the foreigners to get their licenses. "That's all I have to say about it" (Forrest Gump)
73 ... R8TX :: Skype: rx9tx_ :: http://r8tx.qrz.ru
26.05.2009, 20:50 #200
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R3/SM6LRR eshe raz
Hello Art!
Thanks for clarification.
My hope and belief is that this work to simplify the process has started, and that it will be easier for all amateurs in the world to work in all territories provided that they have necessary skills.
Personally, I am for instance quite doubtful about development in some countries where CW has been removed from the licence demands.
73 de R3/SM6LRR, Mats
26.05.2009, 21:09 #201
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73 ... R8TX :: Skype: rx9tx_ :: http://r8tx.qrz.ru
26.05.2009, 21:55 #202
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Есть такое правило - писать сообщения на этом форуме на русском языке. Это, так сказать, культура проведения.
Я понимаю, что SM6LRR было проще и, главное, без языковых ошибок изложить информацию на английском языке. Это, как говорится, простительно. Но отвечать ему надо было по русски, тем более, что он в начале своего письма отметил - читаю по русски вполне прилично. И уж совсем культурно было бы сделать для пользователей, не знающих хорошо английский, перевести письма SM6LRR на русский язык с сохранением всех нюансов.
Извините.Борис RU3AX
26.05.2009, 22:30 #203
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Мужики, ну Вы чо?
Написано же было..
Yes, I do read Russian quite ok, but as it can be of interest to amateurs not having Russian as their Mother Tongue, I decided to write in English
Извините.Игорь (RN3AHT)
Разрешение имеется.
26.05.2009, 22:33 #204
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Перевод в русский язык
Я искренне приношу извинения чтобы не представить перевод в русский язык. Когда я имею немного больше времени, я подготовлю тот. Любой заинтересованный "моей историей" на русском языке, пожалуйста пошлите мне короткое письмо на русском языке к моей электронной почте, и я возвращу перевод, как только я имею время, чтобы перевести это.
73 and see you on the bands (maybe in CQ WPX Contest this weekend)
26.05.2009, 22:49 #205
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Небольшие уточнения.
Франция.СЕРТ действует везде, кроме FK,FO,FR/B,FR/E,FR/G,FR/J,FR/T,FT,FW. Здесь нужно
специальное разрешение.
Норвегия. СЕРТ действует кроме JW-Bjornoja, JX- Jan Mayen, 3Y. Необходимо специальное разрешение.
Монако. Письменная или регистрация по телефону с указанием места остановки и на какое время.
Турция. Необходима регистрация в жандармерии.
Гиблартар. С этого года лицензию не получить или крайне сложно.
27.05.2009, 20:53 #206
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Меня больше интересует возможность работы из Украины.Официально получается большая волокита за пару месяцев вперёд.Поэтому беру с собой малышок FT-817,прячу поглубже в чемодан а потом спокойно слушаю эфир.
73! Василий Р. UA1-143-311, UA1ZET, RV1ZT
27.05.2009, 21:19 #207
Для информации по Беларуси. Лицензию на работу с территории получить не проблема. Основная проблема со ввозом аппаратуры. Но если для работы из "гостей" то EW/позывной без проблем.
28.05.2009, 01:04 #208
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Есть интересное инфо по теме , вернусь через неделю из отпуска - напишу !
All 73! Владимир ( UA3FX )
23.06.2009, 20:16 #209
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73! Nick RW3DY rw3dy<at>mail.ru
Online QSL Request to RW3DY , RP3DY , RW3DY/P , RW3DY/3
Некоторые думают, что они поднялись, но на самом деле они всплыли.
24.06.2009, 09:17 #210
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И, что так все об Этом так озабочены? Наверное, чтоб БЫЛО. Чоб как у всех.
Как пример. Долго и нудно ныли про сороковку. Ну получили аж до 7200. И что?
Три дня сидел при хорошей антенне. Работал в основном телеграфом и мониторил 7100-7200. Там были кто угодно только НИ ОДНОЙ Российской станции.
Флудим помаленьку-вывод такой.Алексей (RT5Q)
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