26.08.2010, 19:04 #1
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ACOM 2000A
Имеется данный усилитель. У друга.
Выдает ошибки.
Как можно считать историю ошибок?
В мануале (перевод) об этом сказано вскользь.
Заранее благодарен.
Добавлено через 1 час 10 минут
Забыл добавить с помощью компа.Последний раз редактировалось RW3DY; 26.08.2010 в 19:04. Причина: Добавлено сообщение
73! Nick RW3DY rw3dy<at>mail.ru
Online QSL Request to RW3DY , RP3DY , RW3DY/P , RW3DY/3
Некоторые думают, что они поднялись, но на самом деле они всплыли.
26.08.2010, 20:15 #2
26.08.2010, 20:28 #3
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73! Nick RW3DY rw3dy<at>mail.ru
Online QSL Request to RW3DY , RP3DY , RW3DY/P , RW3DY/3
Некоторые думают, что они поднялись, но на самом деле они всплыли.
26.08.2010, 20:45 #4
11.09.2010, 20:58 #5
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ннп. (нажал на последнего)
не знаю, как у кого, но АКОМ в полевых условиях показал себя соооовсем с не лучшей стороны.
Пример - RDAC под позывным Саши RO9O/P
Впадал в кому защиты под любым предлогом.
Даже после того, как его запитали индивидуально от ренегатора на 5 кВт.
Зато в "тепличных" стационарных условиях - восторг!
"Дубовый" усилок на "веслах" куда был предпочтительней для спартанцевUA9ONJ
01.10.2013, 22:36 #6
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Добрый вечер ! Обращаюсь к знатокам по ремонту ACOM-2000A. на CQHAM тоже есть раздел по неисправностям этих усилителей но почему то мой аккаунт не активируется.Поэтому вопрос если разрешите задам здесь.При нажатии педали появилась надпись на дисплее.G1 -большой ток первой сетки 25,5ма Я проверил все цепи по первой сетке,все транзисторы исправные ,заменил на всякий случай лампы,эфекта нет.Надпись таже и всегда при замыкании key in.Может у кого встречалась такая ситуация или у кого есть по схеме расписаны напряжения какие должны быть на элементах,понимаю что какой то пустяк.Ситуация похожая когда то была ,статикой выбило транзисторы по цепи управляющей сетке ,один усилитель отремонтировали в Юникоме,второй раз сам.Приходиться антенны заземлять теперь.Писал письмо на завод изготовитель,один раз ответили ,попросили еще раз прокоментировать неисправность,сейчас пока молчат.Схемы все есть ,нужна распиновка напряжений.Заранее благодарю.
01.10.2013, 23:29 #7
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Раз не получили ответ, скорее всего ваше письмо попало в спам фольдере. Завтра передам его поискать, но на всяком случае шлите еще раз.
02.10.2013, 04:20 #8
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03.10.2013, 19:03 #9
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03.10.2013, 21:46 #10
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to UA5F:
Попробуйте заменить лампы. Уменя был похожий случай, должго проверял электронику, а причина была в неисправности лампы.
To all:
Ранее в ветке обсуждалась проблема подбора пары ламп. Я поступил очень просто. Вставлял имеющиеся лампы в усилитель, прогревал его. Затем ставил под нагрузку и наблюдал за температурой горячего возхдуха на пульте управления. Далее менял одну из ламп и проводил эксперимент снова. Довольно быстро становится понятно какая лампа "филонит" а какая "пашет". Далее просто подбираем максимально близкие варианты. Все просто, никаких стендов. Критерий - максимально равная температура. Мощность выдадваемая все равно одинакова, только мощность раскачки разная.Михаил/RU3UR
05.10.2013, 13:19 #11
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У меня стала появляться вот такая ошибка
Появляется при включении УМ, начинается прогрев и вылетает ошибка.
Жму на пульте ESC, еще раз вклили включаю, опять вылетает эта же ошибка.
Еще раз ESC и включаю, вот тогда все нормально проходит - 2 минуты прогрева и УМ готов к работе.
Во время работы или в режиме STBY никогда эта ошибка не вылетает, только при включении.(((73!))) Евгений RA0FF
02.11.2013, 01:06 #12
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Здравствуйте !!!
имеетли кто русский перевод инструкции ACOM 2000A С НОВЫМ ПУЛЬТОМ !!!
вариант ra3cq для старого варианта у меня есть .
73 !!!73 !
14.11.2013, 09:04 #13
14.11.2013, 13:18 #14
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28.11.2013, 16:38 #15
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Нашел на просторах инета, может кому пригодится
ACOM 2000A Protection Values
1. DRIVE LED blinks above 80W; trips above 126W. Nominal value is 50...60W
for rated output. Reduce drive to overcome the protection.
2(a). FWD-P and RFL-P trip above 203W during standby. Bypassing up to 200W
forward and reflected power through the amplifier in STBY and OFF mode is
safe. A warning is issued in STBY at 203W threshold to secure amplifier's
bypass circuitry safety. With 200W-transceivers you may overcome an
eventual warning by reducing the power of about 5-10% or so, when the 203
watt threshold is exceeded accidentally.
Please note, that switching off the amplifier does not resolve the problem,
as the amp. only could not tell you that the power is too high for it's
bypassing relay, and a risk of damage still exists with more than 200W. If
you need more power with the amp. off, you should reconnect the input and
output cables leading to the amplifier in order to take it out of any
transmitting path for more than 200W.
2(b). RFL-P trips above 502W during operate. Typically a no-load condition
or misselected antenna after a band change is the cause.
3. IP LED: blinks above 1.4A plate current; time-lagged trip at 1,6A for 4
seconds; instanteous trip above 2.4A . Reduce drive to overcome it.
Nominal current is 0,95...1,25A, and may vary slightly depending on mains
voltage, band, and tuning quality. Idling current is set in the factory to
50mA / 375mA (when keyed with no RF / small RF applied), for minimum IMD.
4. IG2: nominal value of the screen grid current is 60...80mA, but it
widely varies with mains, tuning quality, and different tubes. A range of
0...100mA is acceptable. Protected by hardware at 120mA, and by software at
200mA for 20ms time lagged. Reduce drive to overcome it.
5. IG1: nominal control grid current is 5...10mA, trips at 20mA for 20ms
time lagged. Reduce drive to overcome it.
The ALC signal is grid-current derived. When the control grid (G1) current
appears during transmission between zero and 5mA (both tubes summary), the
ALC voltage is zero. When this threshold is exceeded, a negative voltage
appears on the ALC output, which is linearily proportional to the amount of
grid current above the 5mA threshold. Its maximum value (-11V) is reached
around 15mA grid current, and can be continuously reduced to zero via the
ALC regulator. The regulator is located on the rear panel, just above the
ALC connector. Clockwise rotation will increase the maximum ALC voltage
(and the loop gain of the system "amplifier + transceiver"). Using this
output is normaly not needed with modern transceivers.
The electrical parameters of the ALC output are as follows:
- maximum output voltage (negative to ground) up to -11V;
- output resistance about 500 Ohms;
- maximum output current up to -10mA (self-protected).
6. Concerning the "HEATER" LED indicator you may need the following
If "HEATER" indicator lits continuously, probably mains voltage is lower
than the nominal; if it often blinks, mains voltage is higher. You may
still work safely even when "HEATER" is lit, as this is a warning
indication only, but the protection threshold is yet close. If even more
severe mains voltage deviation occures, the auto protection would trip, the
red "PROT" LED will flash, and an appropriate text message will be issued
on the LCD.
In order to determine how close are the trip conditions, you may enter the
MEASURE sub-menu and monitor the following values:
- MAINS (line input voltage, no protection is directly derived);
- FIL-V (filament voltage, 10V to 14.4V is acceptable);
- IF-REAR (filament current - rear tube, 3A to 4.4A is acceptable);
- IF-FRONT (filament current - front tube, 3A to 4.4A is acceptable);
The heater voltage protection would trip at voltages below 10V or over
14.4V, and the corresponding message to the operator is issued on the RCU.
Respectively, the thresholds for heater current protection are 3A and 4.4A,
and appropriate messages appear when tripped.
For your information, the nominal filament voltage is 12.6V, and the
nominal current is 3.6A. The "HEATER" indicator on the RCU is normally
dark. It will constantly light if the filament voltage drops below 11.6V,
and it will frequently blink if the voltage exceeds 13.6V (in order to
inform you that nearly half of the acceptable range is crossed). In both
cases the voltage selection may need to be changed if this conditions
predominate. See also p.11 below.
7. Exhaust air Temperature. The optional external fan (when mounted) is
accelerated at 90deg.C., and is slowed after the exaust air temperature
drops below 80deg.C. Full temperature scale on the RCU (up to 130deg.C., 10
degrees per bar) is acceptable. A ">" sign appears when the scale is
overflowed, and a protection trips at 150deg.C threshold.
If the temperature is higher than 80deg.C. at the moment you switch the
amplifier off, the tubes are instantly powered off, but the blower would
continue cooling, until the exhaust air temperature drops below 80deg.C.
Another protection system monitors the air motion in the tube deck volume.
This would prevent the control system of being let down, while measuring a
low-temperature but still-standing air above hot tubes. You may get a "LOW
AIRFLOW" message in such conditions. Check whether the inlet / outlet
cutouts of the amplifier chassis are not accidentally covered by alien
subjects, and let the tubes cool. Clean or replace the air filter. Add the
optional external fan in severe temperature conditions, and for continuous
modes of operation.
8. DC supply voltages:
template --- "nominal: +/- tollerance% (protection thresholds)";
+5V: +10/-15% (4.25...5.5)V; logic and analogue circuits voltage.
+/-12V: +15/-15% (10...14)V; analogue and RS232-port voltage.
+24V: +27/-30% (17...30.5)V; power-on relays voltage.
+48V: +27/-30% (34...61)V; antenna and input relays voltage.
+12/340V controlled screen grid voltage. Typically 10...15V during standby
(EG2 is off), and 320...350V during operate (EG2 is on). Protection
thresholds: more than 40V during standby; less than 150V or more than 430V
during operate.
+2850V plate voltage (no load condition): +15/-55% (1280...3300)V;
2300...2500V is nominal at various loads and mains internal resistance for
rated output.
-124/-75/-52V controlled bias voltage. Typically -115...-130V during
standby / -70...-80V during operate idling / -45...-60V during operate
with RF applied. Adjusted in the factory during setting of plate idling
currents for minimum IMD (see p.3 above). Protection thresholds: less than
-100V during STBY, and less than -35V during OPERATE.
9. The following measurands are calculated on the base of directly measured
- DC INPUT is calculated from (HV x IP); no protections from DC INPUTare
- GAIN is calculated from (FWD_P / DRIVE); a "LOW GAIN" protection is
derived at a threshold below 10dB gain.
- VSWR is calculated from Gm=(RFL_P/FWD_P); VSWR = (1 + Gm) / (1 - Gm); no
protections derived.
The used above HV, IP, DRIVE, FWD-P, RFL-P, the 12 remaining measurands
listed in S.4-3, p.19 of the Operating Manual, and also 4 supply voltages
are directly measured via the analog-to digital converter in the CPU PCB.
Multiple protections and tuning criteria are based on this information.
10. In addition of the above listed, a variety of values are checked
dynamically while the amplifier's status is being changed, thus more
protections may trip if bad conditions are detected. For instance, the
heater current peak, HV, and EG2 are differently controlled during the
power-on period, or while changing from standby to operate and vice versa.
Also, the input and output relays contact time performance is verified at
every dot/dash keying, and RF appearance.
11. Mains voltage tollerances.
See S.7-1j on p.29 of the Operating Manual. Normally, a +/-10% excursion of
nominal tap voltage is acceptable. For instance, this is 216...264V with
240V nominal. The amplifier would work up to +/-15%.
If you however exceed this threshold (below 204V or over 276V for 240V
nominal), supply voltages and/or currents may reach dangerous values. No
protection is directly associated with the mains voltage, but nearly all
supply voltages (and some currents) would reach threshold values, so
various amplifier protections would begin tripping, in order not to let any
damage in both: power supply, or the tubes.
Anyway, the control circuit is happy even at a voltage drop of-20%, i.e.
below 190V, with 240V nominal tap selected. If mains voltage still drops
further (below -25%), the control circuit in the RCU immediately switches
off the amplifier, and becomes inoperative until the voltage restores to at
least -15...20% of nominal, i.e. at least 190...200V, with 240V nominal.
This hysteresis is intended to reject unusable RCU restartings if the
voltage is continuously fluctuating near the lower limit.
A controllable step-up / step-down tap-transformer (for 20A nominal
current) would be a good solution in such conditions, not only for the
amplifier. You may find also suitable automatic AC voltage regulators on
the market.
12. An additional possibility is foreseen in order to partly compensate for
any mains voltage deviation not to affect the tubes plate efficiency. This
is the DEF sub-menu in the OFF menu (see also page 22, 5-6a of the
Operating Manual). Set the MAINS VOLTAGE menu selection to HIGH, when mains
voltage is typically 5% (or more) higher than nominal tap (i.e. higher than
252V with 240V nominal). Set the menu selection to LOW when mains voltage
is typically 5% lower than nominal tap (i.e. lower than 228V with 240V
nominal). For lower voltages first set lower nominal taps of the
transformer (i.e.220V, 200, 120 or 100V), and observe same rules about menu
voltage selection. Anyway, a voltage of (230...240)V should be considered
to be NORMAL with 240V nominal tap.
Please note, that this menu selection does not change the real supply
voltages, but only the plate load resistance to which the AUTO TUNE
procedure would match your antennas. With HIGH selection you will request a
higher plate resistance, and vice versa, thus merely doing the best at your
real conditionsПавел (UA1Q)
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