27.09.2017, 19:52 #1
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LogHX: Актуальные релизы и история изменений.
Для удобства все релизы и пререлизы с описанием буду выкладывать в этой теме.
Так будет проще ориентироваться в изменениях в логе.
Линки на актуальные релизы выкладываются в шапке темы (то есть здесь).
Stable Release/Стабильный Релиз
Актуальный стабильный релиз:776
Дата релиза:27.03.2025
Ссылка для скачивания:http://rx4hx.qrz.ru/files/loghx/LogH..._build_776.exe
Предыдущие стабильные релизы:
Дата релиза:22.01.2025
Ссылка для скачивания:http://rx4hx.qrz.ru/files/loghx/LogH..._build_775.exe
Пререлиз: 773
Дата пререлиза:21.12.2024
Ссылка для скачивания:http://rx4hx.qrz.ru/files/loghx/prer..._build_773.exe
Пререлиз: 763
Дата пререлиза:25.07.2024
Ссылка для скачивания:http://rx4hx.qrz.ru/files/loghx/prer..._build_763.exe
Last version .ZIP
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Managers update by IK2XDE & IK2XDF
Available to all users
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Mir (Sberbank): 2202 2012 7552 9416 (Получатель: Алексей Владимирович Ч.)Последний раз редактировалось RX4HX; Сегодня в 07:15.
73 de RX4HX, Alexei, http://rx4hx.qrz.ru
Ant.: UW4HW, Pwr.: ~500 Wtts
14.12.2023, 13:16 #826
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I hope this is the right place (I don't know if you prefer it here as it's a pre-release version, or in the English language thread):
Just installed 738.
Couple of things with the Award window...
1. If I move the mouse down through the bottom of the window, an error is generated: "List index out of bounds (-1)" If I change the colours for Wkd/Cfm at the bottom of the window, I can't get the colours to stick and it reverts to a white background.
The other thing (and this is present in previous versions) - if I want to look at a list of (for example) Europe only, the list of countries is NOT restricted to Europe unless I click one of the "Only wkd/cfm" or "Not CFM" options. If I wanted a list of European countries only, I have to select one of those two. Selecting none, or selecting "Not worked" shows a list of countries from all continents.
Is this expected behaviour or a bug?
14.12.2023, 15:22 #827
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73 de RX4HX, Alexei, http://rx4hx.qrz.ru
Ant.: UW4HW, Pwr.: ~500 Wtts
14.12.2023, 15:53 #828
15.12.2023, 11:53 #829
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Test version -
Before using this version, copy LogHX folder to another location!
It's for full backup!73 de RX4HX, Alexei, http://rx4hx.qrz.ru
Ant.: UW4HW, Pwr.: ~500 Wtts
17.12.2023, 14:26 #830
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Hi Alexei - thanks.
Issues I mentioned have all been fixed, except for << right-click... "Table Worked Colour">>, changes do not stick. The change appears but reverts to white after I move the mouse over it.
There is another issue with Spots Window, where some spots containing a grid/WWLoc immediately before the time are appearing with a time of "00:00" with the time itself appearing in the Info column.
However, sorting the time column and they appear in the right place time-wise!
I'll post some screenshots later to show the issue.
17.12.2023, 22:59 #831
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73 de RX4HX, Alexei, http://rx4hx.qrz.ru
Ant.: UW4HW, Pwr.: ~500 Wtts
18.12.2023, 00:28 #832
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OK. Screenshots from earlier.
This is strange, as it doesn't happen with every spot that contains a WWLoc, as you can see from the images.
This is what appears in the spots window:
This is the Telnet window:
This is the window from VE7CC cluster program, using a UK dx cluster running CCCluster software (This program provides a telnet connectioin to LogHX via localhost) :
With image 2 and 3, the indicated spot was shown in the same way as the spots I circled in the first image.
This didnt happen with Build 732... I will run 732 to make sure.
As you say, it doesnt really affect anything other than display, as sorting by time puts the spots in correct order, i.e. as if the time was in the right column.
It's not really a problem, but I thought I'd point it out. It's the beta-tester in me!
19.12.2023, 20:02 #833
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Yes, I saw the problem!
Not standard format. Time of spot must be last.
But here IO81 last.
- - - Добавлено - - -
Prerelease build_739
Перед установкой этого пререлиза обязательно сделайте полный бэкап лога! Скопируйте папку с логом в другое место!
Before installing this prerelease, be sure to make a full backup of the log! Copy the log folder to another location!
73 de RX4HX, Alexei, http://rx4hx.qrz.ru
Ant.: UW4HW, Pwr.: ~500 Wtts
19.12.2023, 22:45 #834
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19.12.2023, 23:42 #835
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73 de RX4HX, Alexei, http://rx4hx.qrz.ru
Ant.: UW4HW, Pwr.: ~500 Wtts
20.12.2023, 11:39 #836
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20.12.2023, 20:51 #837
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Prerelease build_740
! Bugfix
19:38 UTC - reload!Последний раз редактировалось RX4HX; 20.12.2023 в 22:37.
73 de RX4HX, Alexei, http://rx4hx.qrz.ru
Ant.: UW4HW, Pwr.: ~500 Wtts
23.12.2023, 21:21 #838
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Prerelease build_741
* Bugfix.73 de RX4HX, Alexei, http://rx4hx.qrz.ru
Ant.: UW4HW, Pwr.: ~500 Wtts
24.12.2023, 23:00 #839
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Prerelease build_742
* Bugfix.73 de RX4HX, Alexei, http://rx4hx.qrz.ru
Ant.: UW4HW, Pwr.: ~500 Wtts
27.12.2023, 19:33 #840
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