29.10.2020, 18:23 #106
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73! Anton RC3C (ex.RV3DHC) & RY3AAL & 5ØRDXØØ3 & RK5AØØ2SWL
• Клубы 4U1A, RC5C, 5ØRDXØØØ/C, New Moscow DX Club • DMR 2503041 • D-STAR XLX937-B • YSF 25001 • EchoLink 2102
• RL3F QSL Print • Фото для QSL • FT8DigiClub • DXCluster • APRS2.RU • LogHX
10.11.2020, 16:28 #107
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I use LogHX3 with SunSDR2-DX and Flex-6300 (not at the same time, however).
Each radio has 2 CAT controlled Receivers, where I usually use RX2 (Radio2) for FT4/FT8 with JTDX (connected to LOGHX with UDP) and at the same time chasing CW DX using RX1 (Radio1).
In this setup the RX2 (Radio2) with JTDX is not marked as the "active" Radio in LogHX3.
The problem arises using the Active Calls window, where I cannot find any way to bind that to the radio that is "inactive" in LogHX, making the QSL status-colouring in the Active Calls Window follow the band on the active radio.
E.g. when chasing DX on Radio1 on 15 meter band, and monitoring the FT8 activity on 20 meters, the Active Calls Window shows QSL status on FT8 related to the 15 meter band, and not the 20 meter band:
Have I overlooked something in he LogHX3 setup, enabling the Active Calls Window QSL status colouring to follow the "inactive" Radio?
73 de LB2EG Richard
10.11.2020, 16:51 #108
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73 de RX4HX, Alexei, http://rx4hx.qrz.ru
Ant.: UW4HW, Pwr.: ~500 Wtts
10.11.2020, 17:13 #109
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11.11.2020, 22:31 #110
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12.11.2020, 03:09 #111
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Can you have a look if there is a bug around QRZ look ups stopping working if you operator over the change of day, ie 23:59>>>>00:00. I do this often and it seems to not fill in once you hit midnight and I have to restart the program.
16.11.2020, 03:06 #112
16.11.2020, 11:23 #113
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Started to get some leaks on closing a few times
16.11.2020, 11:33 #114
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73 de RX4HX, Alexei, http://rx4hx.qrz.ru
Ant.: UW4HW, Pwr.: ~500 Wtts
16.11.2020, 12:52 #115
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580, I think it might have started when I installed the one for the mobile log. I couldn't get all that to work so maybe we now have a mix of data.
16.11.2020, 13:11 #116
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Install this version:
here memory leaks is fixed.
- - - Добавлено - - -
It's not good... I check problem.
Setup->Time life spots->
check it for only needed spots.73 de RX4HX, Alexei, http://rx4hx.qrz.ru
Ant.: UW4HW, Pwr.: ~500 Wtts
16.11.2020, 14:31 #117
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Сообщение от RX4HX;
mea culpa!
I had overlooked the "show only colored spots" option. Works well.
I am also very happy with the show only coloured spots options in Cluster window, Bandmap windows and Active calls window.
I hope you will find time to make a choice between Radio1 and Radio2 in Active calls window.
73 de LB2EG Richard
16.11.2020, 16:35 #118
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There is very little time for log - many coworkers is sick.
But only for you -
now band in Active calls window will be from WSJT-X/JTDX. I think - it's right. Not need choice radio.
Try this version.73 de RX4HX, Alexei, http://rx4hx.qrz.ru
Ant.: UW4HW, Pwr.: ~500 Wtts
21.11.2020, 14:39 #119
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I am trying to get myrig and myant data to stay with each QSO, but I cannot get it to enter automatically on start like my profile callsign and Locator. I notice that entries from FT8 from UDP (gridtracker and wsjtx) have the myant and my rig data. So I think something is not right with my log set up.
21.11.2020, 17:44 #120
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73 de RX4HX, Alexei, http://rx4hx.qrz.ru
Ant.: UW4HW, Pwr.: ~500 Wtts
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